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PROCEED TO CHECKOUTPlease ensure all artwork for print is supplied in line with these specifications. Artwork received that is not in line with these specifications may be subject to amend charges. Out of Hand cannot accept responsibility for print errors or late deliveries where artwork has been supplied incorrectly.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact the studio on 0117 953 6363, or click here to email your enquiry.
To ensure you correctly layout your designs, we've prepared a set of templates covering all the different formats for you to use.
Please note that we cannot be held responsible for any print errors that are caused by the submission of incorrect artwork. If you would like to see a proof before print or you have any questions about your artwork please contatct us on the details below.
Tel: 0117 953 6363
Email: repro1@outofhand.co.uk
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